Last updated
Last updated
The map is a crucial tool for players to navigate the game world, with its main functions including:
The map helps players understand their current position and how to reach their destinations. It typically marks important locations such as quest sites and enemy distribution areas.
Key locations related to quests are displayed on the map, assisting players in finding their objectives or areas that need exploration.
Clicking on the monster index on the left side of the map will show monster locations. Clicking on a monster starts automatic tracking.
The updated map interface improves navigation and resource tracking.
New Features
Treasure Chest Count: Displays remaining chests in the current area.
Encounter Quest Count: Tracks the number of available quests.
Energy Reminder: Displays remaining energy with a direct link to purchase Quantum Synchronization Potion.
Abyss Points Reminder: Shows remaining points and links to purchase Abyss Essence.